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Privacy Policy



At Gyan, we know Users care about their personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect Users’ personal information. By using or accessing the Gyan website, mobile application, and related services, including software, content, and Reading Practice Services (the Service or Service or Services) operated by Gyan Inc., Users agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our information practices.



When Users subscribe or purchase a Service from Gyan, they provide us with two types of information: (i) information Users submit via the Service and (ii) information regarding use of the Service collected by us as Users interact with the Service. When Users access the Website or access a Gyan Service from a mobile or computing device, we collect Users’ browser type and Users’ IP address (a unique address that identifies Users’ computer on the Internet). When Users access our Service using a mobile device, we also collect Users’ device type, device ID, and IP address. In addition, we store certain information from Users’ browsers using “cookies.” Through the registration process, Users may provide us with their name and email address, telephone, and other information that may be requested during the registration process. When Users avail the Service, they may submit information and content to update their profile, generate Activity Data through engaging in activities on the Service, or send messages and otherwise transmit information to other Users. We store this information so that we can provide Users the Service effectively and offer personalized solutions. While using the Gyan Assessments, Users will submit answers to questions and other information as part of the Service. We will store that information and use the information as we may deem fit to enhance and improve the Service. We do not share Users’ personal information with third-parties unless it is integral to the delivery of the Service and only if such third-parties are equally bound by the same terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy for the collection, use and protection of Users’ personal information. In certain circumstances, we may be required by law to share Users’ personal information.



We may utilize Users’ contact information to send them notifications regarding new Services offered by Gyan that we think Users may find valuable. Gyan may also send Users service-related announcements from time to time through the general operation of the Service. Other than certain ‘core’ Service related messages, Users may ‘opt out’ of messages they do not wish to receive. Profile information is used by Gyan to be presented to and edited by Users when they access the Service. Users may consent to their profile to be presented to other Users as needed for the Service. Gyan may use or share aggregate or anonymous data collected through the Service, including Activity Data, for purposes such as analyzing or improving the Service. When Users take `as part of the Service, Gyan may verify Users’ personal information, and other information available to Gyan, if needed for the Service to ensure the quality of Service.



Gyan shares Users’ personally-identifiable information only when it is reasonably necessary to offer the Service, legally required, or permitted by Users. For example: We may provide personally-identifiable information to service providers who help us bring Users the Service, such as hosting the Service at a co-location facility or sending email updates. We may be required to disclose personally-identifiable information in response to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. Additionally, we may share account or other personally-identifiable information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Service or using the Gyan name, or to prevent imminent harm. This may include sharing personally-identifiable information with other companies, lawyers, agents, or government agencies. If the ownership of all or substantially all of the Gyan business, or individual business units or assets owned by Gyan that are related to the Service, were to change, Users’ personally-identifiable information may be transferred to the new owner. In any such transfer of information, this Privacy Policy relating to Users’ personally- identifiable information would remain subject to this section.



Users have, at all times, the right to delete their account with Gyan by following the instructions made available through the Service. After User’s account is deleted, we will retain aggregate or anonymous data collected through the Service, including Activity Data, which may be used by Gyan and shared with third-parties in any manner.

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